places of interest in sestola Sestola - Discover Sestola

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places of interest in sestola

places of interest in sestola

There are many places of artistic and religious interest. There are many churches and oratories which hosted beautiful works of art such as paintings and ancient statues. Characteristics are also some small villages and manor houses belonged to noble families of the town. Absolutely no to be miss is the fortress, that dominates the town.

Worthy of a visit are:

  • Parish Church of St. Nicholas: built in the early seventeenth century to replace the old church that was located inside the castle. Restored in the early twentieth century retains many artistic works.

  • Church of Our Lady of the Rosary: ancient property of the family Cavalcabò, the structure dates back to the '600. It 's been restored recently rediscovering its ancient splendor.

  • Oratory of S. Nicholas in Castello: Church of the Rock until 1696 when it was reduced to oratory, inside you will find many frescoes of '400.

  • Oratory of St. Anthony: dating back to the '600 is located on the road leading to the fortress.

Near the Lago della Ninfa at 1500 meters find place also the Botanical Garden Esperia. Its three hectares give home to over 200 species of local Apennine flora, alpine flora and some specimens from the mountains of Asia.

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